The Constitution has been Ignored by your CORRUPT Leaders

The constitution (which through much disagreement between the so called founding fathers was barely ratified) is simply a piece of paper that presidents, congress, judges and more have consistently ignored. This list is only a few of the ways that the constitution has been ignored by your CORRUPT leaders. There are many more past and present.

The Alien and Sedition Acts - These laws included new powers to DEPORT foreigners as well as making it harder for new IMMIGRANTS to vote. They violated individual protections under the first amendment of the Constitution

The Louisiana Purchase.

Lincoln's suspension of Habeus Corpus during the Civil War.

The National Parks Act.

The National Income Tax.

The Social Security Act.

Other New Deal legislation.

Launching a war under false pretenses (Korea) and without a declaration by Congress.

Launching a war under false pretenses (Vietnam) and without a declaration by Congress.

The Civil Rights Act.

Other Great Society Legislation.

The Nixon Administration.

The Iran-Contra Affair.

The Bush Contraception Gag Rule.

Presidential impeachment for lying under oath for lying about a legal sexual act.

Launching a war under false pretenses (Iraq) and without a declaration of war.

The Affordable Care Act.

At least we know where the American people stand on war and how it works. Collateral damage is just part of war: accept it and move on. So that means when a country in future time attacks the US for it’s crimes, and your friends and family are slaughtered at a family picnic, no one should be upset. Just accept it. Just the same if a soldier killed civilians because his superior told him to. Don’t be upset with the foreign soldier that comes in your door and kills your child at the dinner table. He was just following orders. Why blame him?

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